Friday, March 19, 2010

Pepsi's Gettin' Fresh

PepsiCo., being a multinational company, is expected to have CSR initiatives.

Usually, such initiatives are in alignment with the company values. Consumers and interested parties would go to their website, where it would communicate what Pepsi is doing to make the world a better place, so that good-hearted customers would know that they are doing the right thing by buying Pepsi soda.

Pepsi’s Refresh Project is the new hype.

It uses social technology to engage its various stakeholders that were mentioned in Nadine’s blog post, but most importantly-their target audience, which are people like you and me. This time Pepsi is willing to donate over $20 million to interested charities and individuals who want to apply for grants to benefit a variety of projects and site visitors can vote for the best ideas for funding starting February 1.

In order to sustain momentum Pepsi allows a one-month time period for voters to pick their favourite idea with a maximum of 10 votes per day. Then, after the time limit, Pepsi presses the refresh button and fresh new ideas are available to be voted on for the following month. To make sure the ideas are legit, Pepsi has teamed up with prominent experts and charities.

The target audience are the consumers that buy their soda.

I will analyze the objectives of the Pepsi Refresh Project and determine if it is in alignment with its strategies by using the POST method.

The objectives:

-To engage the public by allowing them to vote for Pepsi Refresh ideas.

Strategies: Pepsi wants to have a closer relationship with its consumers, so it will use strategies that will direct them to its site. By making the site interactive and user friendly, and asking for comments about what worked and what did not. They will feel that they have a voice in helping Pepsi make good decisions. This makes them feel IMPORTANT!

Good feelings all around!

Read Jessica’s blog to get more insight if the technologies used make sense for the Pepsi Refresh Project.

For a SWOT analysis of the Pepsi Refresh Project: Read Caterina’s blog for the Strengths, Sophia's for the Weaknesses and Kareena’s blog for an analysis of its Opportunities and Threats.

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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Are Children as Young as Three able to Recognize Brands?


New research published in the Journal of Psychology and Marketing state that children as young as three to five year have ‘emerging ability’ to recognize brands. Kids use their emerging ability to judge which products will be the most fun-and make them popular.

It is well-known that the best way to market something is to meet the emotional needs of the target audience. We’ve learned that researchers need to know their audience. Marketers have knowledge of children’s developmental, emotional and social needs, so they tailor their marketing strategies, so that it is appropriate for them.

Mcdonald’s-93% Pepsi-77 % Lego-75% Shell-53%

When children were asked to describe various fastfood, it was described as ‘‘fun, exciting, and tasty’’. Cola drinks are ‘‘fun’’ and ‘‘the bubbles are fun and lots of people like them’’.

Here is an interview at NBC Dateline where children have to pick between a banana and a cupcake.

The Center for a New American Dream, state that babies as young as six months of age can form mental images of corporate logos and mascots. Brand loyalties can be established as early as age two, and by the time children head off to school most can recognize hundreds of brand logos’’ (Media Awareness Network)

Do you think this is ethical work?

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Monday, March 1, 2010

I have developed a personal brand plan. It contains a lot of what I hope to accomplish for this year. Feel free to make comments and suggestions!

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